Monday, January 9, 2012

TotW: Lightshow

I first heard about the band, Plants & Animals, during the 2010 Polaris Music Prize long list. Their album, La La Land, had just come out and it was generating a lot of buzz in the Radio3 community. I don't remember being blown away by it, but it seemed solid enough. The album didn't make the Short List cut, but that only fueled the flames for some.

Two years later, the band is back and as strong as ever with their new release, The End of That, coming out in mid-February. This lead single, Lightshow, showcases their brand of guitar pop/rock in a great way and indicates that this will be an album to watch for in the first quarter of 2012.

The trio are as tight as ever: vocally strong, drums and guitars in perfect sync. The song moves along, with enough twists and turns to keep it interesting, but not alienate new listeners. The guitars have this great almost-clean tone, and things get quiet, then everything comes back loud and fuzzy; there are these little riffs that play throughout and I love them.  I don't really know what to say about this song, specifically... I missed it the first few times it was played on Radio3 and only saw all the comments about what a great tune it was. When I finally caught it, I knew what the fuss was about.

Any how, I think it deserves a listen ... and I'm off to have another listen to the band's previous release in anticipation of the new album.

» Listen: Plants & Animals - Lightshow

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