I really don't know what to say about this. Words cannot describe how beautiful this packaging for a mix cd is to me. So professional. One day, some day, I'll attempt to do something like this.
» Found at: Chris Glass' website
A place on the internet where I can randomly gather/ dump/ collect things from elsewhere on the internet for later review/ reference/ enjoyment.
I can say, without any kind of hyperbole, that Anachronisms is everything I could've hoped for and then some. Not only do Ketch Harbour Wolves capture everything that made Dead Calm Horizon special, they go even further and show that they're capable of much, much more than they showed on their sophomore EP.
This is really just a test of Flickr's "Post to Blog" feature. And, since I needed an image, "kittens" seemed like the perfect search term to test with. Who doesn't love kittens?
» Flickr: “I Know You're There” – uploaded by Fernando Felix